Here’s a really delayed re-cap the albums that were allotted for March 2010 (though some reviews were a tad delayed).
March 1st, 2010: #337: CrazySexyCool- TLC
Bottom line: A solid R&B album, a great time capsule from the 90’s. The only downside is Waterfalls is the best track by a long shot.
March 2nd, 2010: #220: New Orleans Piano- Professor Longhair
Bottom line: “In conclusion, though, definitely look this album up, readers. If this is truly the sound of New Orleans, then I sure as hell know where I’m headed as soon as I get some money.”
March 3rd, 2010: #416: The Mule Variations- Tom Waits
Bottom line: Without a doubt Waits’ darkest and most brooding album. So good I bought the vinyl. The highlight of course is “Take It With Me” for those who don’t enjoy Waits more experimental music, but the album is truly a classic and should rank much higher.
March 4th, 2010: #298: Master of Reality- Black Sabbath
Bottom line: A solid album from one of the masters of metal. Worth the listen.
March 5th, 2010: #473: A Rush Of Blood To The Head- Coldplay
Bottom line: “Compositionally set-off by the September 11th attacks, Martin really comes into his own on this album, and it shows. I’m sure most of you have already dismissed Coldplay, but I encourage you to give this album a spin, and open your minds. You’ll find you like it more than you’d like to admit. From start to finish a classic.”
March 6th, 2010: #147: Dreams To Remember: The Otis Redding Anthology- Otis Redding
Bottom line: Totally unnecessary. There is no reason for two Otis Redding compilations on this list. So many truly classic albums were ignored to make room for a compilation of tracks that are mostly on other albums on the list. Otis wasn’t Christ, despite how RS treats him. This album was replaced by a true neglected classic, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot by Wilco.
March 7th, 2010: #286: Los Angeles- X
Bottom line: Possibly the best punk album of the 80’s. A brilliant debut from a band that should have conquered the world.
March 8th, 2010: #338: Cheap Thrills- Big Brother And The Holding Company
Bottom line: Some of Janis Joplin’s finest work. Her vocals set the air ablaze, and she truly left Big Brother with a bang. A classic of 60’s rock. For any chick serious about rock, the past two days (March 7th and 8th 2010) should have been viewed as a lesson.
March 9th, 2010: #121: Moby Grape- Moby Grape
Bottom line: “Essentially this album is a summary of what the San Francisco 60’s sound was. It’s the best things about The Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, and The Byrds all put together. However, this album lacks the significance or following of any.” Replaced it with a truly brilliant album, The Sounds of India by Ravi Shankar.
March 10th, 2010: #444: Criminal Minded- Boogie Down Productions
Bottom line: Despite the very convincing argument by josh, I found this album lacking any truly special spark, and though it should be replaced by the much more landmark album Endtroducing…DJ Shadow.
March 11th, 2010: #177: One Nation Under Groove- Funkadelic
Bottom line: “Overall, this album is highly worth looking in to. Give it a listen one day, it’s only a half an hour or so, and I promise you, you won’t be bored.”
March 12th, 2010: #273: The Slim Shady LP- Eminem
Bottom line: “Eminem established a whole unforgettable personae on this album, while crafting instant classics like “My Name Is” and “Guilty Conscience”, proving that you can make it in rap by not taking yourself seriously at all. I recommend this album highly, if for nothing else than to get a time capsule of the decade in which I came of age, and if you dislike songs about violence, or songs with obscene language, well…grow some balls. This album is a classic, and I’m pretty sure will stand the test of time.”
March 13th, 2010: #498: Tres Hombres- ZZ Top
Bottom line: One of ZZ Top’s best, if for nothing but La Grange, and a great album for any guitar enthusiast.
March 14th, 2010: #408: Time Out Of Mind- Bob Dylan
Bottom line: “It’s criminal that this album is ranked so low on this list, as to me, it really is one of the best of Dylan’s career. He started a new chapter in his life, and even if this is the only highlight, it’s a fantastic place to end. Seriously, get this album, it’s highly worth the purchase.”
March 15th, 2010: #62: Achtung Baby- U2
Bottom line: A true classic that everyone should hear at some point in their lives. U2 at possibly their best.
March 16th, 2010: #360: Siamese Dream- Smashing Pumpkins
Bottom line: “Siamese Dream definitely deserves a place on the list. It’s one of the most daring hard-rock albums of the 90’s, and perhaps of all time, and Corgan’s sense of composition, especially incorporating orchestral instruments, cannot be rivaled. Please give this one a listen.”
March 17th, 2010: #445: Rum, Sodomy, and The Lash- The Pogues
Bottom line: A great album, unique and full of life. Also great to drink to. Just sayin’.
March 18th, 2010: #74: Otis Blue- Otis Redding
Bottom line: “Without a doubt, Otis blue is one of the greatest albums ever recorded, a landmark in soul and music in general, and should be ranked even higher than 74.” A true staple of soul music.
March 19th, 2010: #394: For Your Pleasure- Roxy Music
Bottom line: “This was an incredible album to experience, and it is ranked criminally low. Everyone should give this album a listen, it’s highly worth it, and I look forward to more Roxy Music to come.”
March 20th, 2010: #44: Horses- Patti Smith
Bottom line: “I’m not going to tell you to listen to this album. Rather, I’m demanding any serious reader of this blog go out and buy it. You’ll be a far better person for it. Horses is one of the greatest albums of all time, and no human being should go without hearing it.”
March 21st, 2010: #363: Ray Of Light- Madonna
Bottom line: “So, yeah, I’m unashamed to admit that Ray Of Light is a great album, integrating electronic dance music without getting repetitive or annoying. Madonna proves on this album she’s more than just a pop singer, that she is a truly gifted and talented artist. I recommend giving this album a listen, you might be surprised how current it still feels, despite being 10 years old.”
March 22nd, 2010: #172: Every Picture Tells A Story- Rod Stewart
Bottom line: “Personally, I don’t get it. It’s a good album, but I don’t think it’s great or mind-blowing. However, it’s clearly culturally significant, and when compiling a “Greatest” list, it’s got to be different than a “Favorites” list, and if this album is as significant as all it’s supporters seem to think, and it’s not unbearable (it’s actually quite enjoyable on the third or fourth listen) then it deserves to stay. However, I’m not buying it being #175.”
March 23rd, 2010: #435: To Bring You My Love- PJ Harvey
Bottom line: “To Bring You My Love is the type of album one should aspire to make. It’s craftsmanship is flawless, it’s compositions and performances incredible, and it all works as a cohesive piece of music. Harvey on this album created not just a phenomenal collection of songs, but a remarkable simplistic symphony. I cannot reach out of the computer screen and force you to listen to this, but know that I would if I could.”
March 24th, 2010: #105: Rocket To Russia- The Ramones
Bottom line: The review was really brief, but Rocket To Russia is a great punk album infused with surfer influences and furious spirit. Totally worth checking out if you’ve already heard and loved the Ramones’ debut album.
March 25th, 2010: #464: The Blueprint- Jay-Z
Bottom line: “It’s an undeniably enjoyable album, and the portrait of a truly gifted artist at his best, and it brought a little light to a New York ravaged with tragedy (it came out on 9/11). I recommend it highly to anyone looking for a good album for a long ass drive with the windows all the way down and the bass all the way up” I’ll now go so far as to say one of the greatest rap albums of all time.
March 26th, 2010: #325: Slowhand by Eric Clapton
Bottom line: “I truly and deeply recommend this album. If you go on looking for heavy rock and roll, you’ll be let down, but if you want to put on a record with some of the best guitar playing of all time, and don’t mind it being gentle and smooth, then you can’t do better than this.”
March 27th, 2010: #219: Loveless- My Bloody Valentine
Bottom line: “It’s not my cup of tea, though I will admit certain tracks, like “When You Sleep” and “I Only Said” were enjoyable. Maybe I’ll get Nick Young to come back and explain the album’s greatness better, but for now, let me say it’s worth listening to for the significance, if not so much the music.”
March 28th, 2010: #405: Rid of Me- PJ Harvey
Bottom line: “So, in conclusion, Rid Of Me is another great album by PJ Harvey that I recommend, however, I would choose To Bring You My Love or Stores From The City, Stories From The Sea over it.”
March 29th, 2010: #69: Superfly- Curtis Mayfield
Bottom line: “Look no further than Super Fly for funk that works at it’s best. I absolutely recommend this album.” Truly one of the all-time great film soundtracks.
March 30th, 2010: #315: Surfer Rosa- The Pixies
Bottom line: “Surfer Rosa is a genius album, and maybe some folks won’t dig it, but if I’ve turned at least one person on to these guys, I’ve done my job on this blog. So give Surfer Rosa a listen. I don’t think you’ll regret it.”
March 31st, 2010: #83: I Never Loved A Man The Way Love You- Aretha Franklin
Bottom line: “This album contains some of the greatest soul songs ever composed, and performed by one of the greatest and most influential soul singers to ever live. It’s virtually flawless, and THE definitive Aretha album. This is a shining example of a gifted performer at her peak. For those who only see Aretha as the woman with the funny things on her head at various ceremonies, do yourself a favor and look this one up. A true classic."