I’m not gonna lie, I was dreading this. I never liked any Jackson terribly much. But I’m listening to it as I type, and there’s an emotion here that’s just…raw….and…beautiful. Yeah, it’s beautiful. I can feel it even in the first track “Velvet Rope” (ok, technically “Interlude: Twisted Elegance” is the first track, but I’m talking about real songs). Apparently Janet suffered bouts of depression while working on this album, and this truly is a portrait of the artist as a young woman suffering. It’s enthralling to hear her voice calling out, trying so hard to be heard.
“You” seems to crawl out at you, and has this intense vibe that strikes at your core. There’s been speculation that Janet is singing about Michael on this track. She claims it’s about herself, but it’s so intense, so sharp, so biting that you just end up feeling like she’s singing about you. Great, great track.
The video for “Got ‘Til It’s Gone” is by Mark Romanek, aka I think it’s genius, and it’s incorporation of Joni Mitchell basically guarantees greatness. And that’s correct. It’s greatness. The “Speakerphone Interlude” is…interesting, and leads into “My Need”, which is a great, sultry song that sounds more like Portishead’s Dummy than the bob exposing chick I’d grown up knowing. “Go Deep” is…well, my father is here, and I’m a little embarrassed to have this track on, you dig? It’s that fucking sexual. “Free Xone” is a harsh attack on homophobia, and god bless Janet for doing it. In an era of hip-hop homophobia, it’s nice to see that music used to be more tolerant. The interlude that says “You don’t have to hold on to the pain to hold on to the memory” is almost as moving as the song that follows it. Look, the gay part of me happens to adore “Together Again” and I’m sure I’ll be listening to it again, with the straight part of me in the corner cringing. But this is a great song, and you all know it. Plus, it’s so moving when you realize what it’s about (click the link).
“Empty” is good, but a little annoying with that beat. It’s just getting on my nerves. “What About” has a real nice vibe, and I’m loving the guitar. That beauty I felt in the first track comes out in ten fold on this one, mixed with Alanis fury. Seriously, if you do nothing else, look up this track, it’s violent and beautiful. Plus vulgar as shit.
“Every Time” is a song we’ve all heard on the radio, and on it’s own it sounds kind of sappy, but in the context of the album, it’s almost as beautiful as “Time” was on Tom Wait’s Raindogs. Though, admit, it does sound a little bit like a song from a Disney movie. Now, in her cover of “Tonight’s The Night” Janet Jackson proves that she can actually make a Rod Stewart song dirtier. Rod’s singing to a chick. Janet’s singing to a dude and the other chick who’s going to be in their threesome. Yeah, whether you find it hot or nauseating, it’s sure as hell effective. “I Get Lonely” is more standard fair, so I’m sure if this is your style, you’ll enjoy it. It does nothing for me, but I appreciate it.
The…uh… “Rope Burn” is….um…yeah. Wow. I feel like I need a cigarette after that.
“Anything” is a little less sex and a little more sexy. Seriously, I feel like Janet’s coming on to me now. The album closes with “Special”, which then abruptly ends, and since iTunes shows us there’s more to the track we wait. Eventually sound comes back in and we get a fun little track that closes out the album a great deal better than special would.
Let’s be real here, I sometimes get overly praising. But this album isn’t my style of music, and I thought it was great. That oughta say something. Janet, I was never a fan, but I can see why so many people are. Great, solid album.
See you guys tomorrow for #157: Closer by Joy Division.
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