Let’s be real here, if you start an album with “Down On The Corner”, you’re basically telling your listener “Don’t worry, this album’s gonna be real good”. “It Came Out Of The Sky” is a rarely heard gem, which is a shame, because it’s actually better than some of Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “hits”. “Cotton Fields” is a Led Belly cover (another great artist completely ignored by this list. Just sayin‘). Not one I am particularly fond of, but a cover none the less (you know I don’t like it when that’s what I have to say). “Poorboy Shuffle” is sort of a throwaway track, but a fun throwaway track, nonetheless. “Feelin’ Blue” is another ok track, but for those of you who are looking at the track list and, unlike Nick, still find some relevance and in enjoyment in a really kick-ass antiwar song (for the record, we’re in a war, and you ARE allowed to be anti- it), you’re just waiting for the next track. “Fortunate Son” is one of the greatest rock songs ever written, forgetting the whole protest aspect. And I don’t mean rock like that weak, whiney shit out today (Sorry, Radiohead. I love you, but you ain’t rock), I mean hard, wailing rock and roll. The problem is, “Fortunate Son” being so good, it outshines everything on this album. Every track after it is just kind of…blah.
So, to sum up, even though I just defended “Fortunate Son” like is was, in fact, my son, this album is just good. No great. And certainly not the Greatest. I feel like this album was included just for “Fortunate Son”, which just isn’t right. As a song, amazing. As an album…eh. I hate to switch out “Fortunate Son”, but unlike the boys at RS, I’m willing to recognize just because it’s got one good song doesn’t make it mind-blowing (plus, it’s not like CCR doesn’t get more love on the list).
Would Replace With: Crash by Dave Matthews Band
Now this album here is a true classic. 7 times platinum, and deserving of every sale. It amazes me that of all the artists Rolling Stone latches on to, Dave didn’t make the list. He fits all their criteria. Old-school attitude, classic sound, everything these boys look for. But of all Dave’s albums, this is probably his best (though last year’s Big Whiskey is strong competition. From the James Brown-esque “So Much To Say” to the gorgeous “Crash Into Me”, every track on this album is genius. Hell, it made Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s shortlist, and anyone who listenes to it (including prabaly CCR themselves) will admit it’s a far better album than Willy and The Poor Boys.

Booyah for being smei-healthy enough to write this decent review. Tomorrow maybe be delayed, but it's #496: Destroyer by Kiss. Usually have trouble on Fridays with regard to posting.
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